Tips for building a home from scratch

When you build your own home, it is an ongoing mixture of emotions.  These emotions can range from extreme distress and worry because of how long it takes and how much it costs to extreme pride and happiness because it is uniquely your home and nobody else's.

There is no other home like yours and you got to choose what goes in it and what doesn’t.  It has also come with great sacrifice, either financially, time-wise or both.

Once the contractors have left and it is time to move in, now you are faced with making the house a home and finding ways to wear it like your favourite familiar running shoes.  You want it to feel comfortable and familiar yet new, fresh and stylish.

Even though your house has finished being constructed, there is still so much to do until it is truly finished.  Here is a list of things that will guide you into completing your home.

The green spaces

Big patches of green grass bordered by flower beds filled with plants and trees are a lovely addition.

You get to have a full scope of landscaping your garden and it can really be the fun part as you begin to establish a plant life that will become rich with natural life.

Search online for a term like 'turf installation Sydney' to find a company that will quote on the cost of buying and installing turf.

Bring in your artistic flair

What goes on the wall can vary from famous and well-known art pieces, if you have a fancy for art collecting, or it can be artwork done by friends that you know and love, or it could be large prints of places and holiday destinations that you’ve been to.

Putting up a photo wall is also a form of art that you may decide to incorporate into the finishing touches of your home.

Your art preferences might reveal themselves through the furniture you have or the upholstery of the furniture items.

It could even be the ornaments and other mantelpiece decorations of unique lamps and other functional items.

Lighting up your home

In your house, make sure there is always good light.  You want a light and spacious feel during the day and the evenings need to feel warm and cosy.

Some areas will require bright lighting, like your property kitchen and bathrooms where you need to be able to see well, but other areas like your dining room or lounge can be a little more dimly lit with warm light to bring warmth and atmosphere to space.

Bringing people to your entertainment area

If you have a designated area where you are imagine spending a lot of your time, either with your family or hosting, make sure this is a space that has good lighting and lots of places to sit and put drinks down.

You can scatter it with games of a home theatre entertainment system. You can string small lights along the wall, this works well in an outdoor barbeque area.

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